Saturday, March 04, 2006

Niel Gaiman

for those interested or need procrastination or maybe it might help some...gaiman blog found was featured on the blogger homepage!

Spitired Away, not a fan of the ending

I did enjoy the movie. Adventure, fantasy galore, some love story, coming of age...had a lot of good stuff...I just got turned off by the ending:

I'm not quite sure I understood the need for the grass being tall and leaves and dust all over the car and them talking about it. It meant to me that a month or 3 has past since they first went in the tunnle...but then the story why do we CARE how long they really spent in there? They brought it out like it was a big personal opinion is that they should leave the visual but loose the diologue, that way we understand the idea that they are getting across but it doesn't makes it seem like it's an important part of the story...or maybe I'm too picky because this is my field.