Monday, January 23, 2006

"Thriller" in Lexington, Ky.

The annual Halloween "Thriller" re-creation is a project of the Mecca dance studio, which has a website here. The name of the studio's co-founder is -- wait for it -- Teresa Tomb. Photos of the 2005 event are here.


So, I have a question: Does anyone know what a zombie would do if it did/could actually get you? Does it just eat you or are there more threats? I looked up a little bit on the internet; however, I didn't get a clear idea of what my contingency plan is trying to avoid.

Dropping In

Hello all,

Andy has very kindly invited me to come and go on this blog, and so here I am. I'm teaching in North Carolina this semester, and so I may occasionally disappear and then reappear, as my schedule gets tight. I'm happy to address specific questions about specific stories, or about genre or writing or editing in general, but mainly I'm happy to see what comes up in discussion and on the blog. I'm extremely interested in other people's zombie contingency plans. (I'm always adapting mine. By the way, in Lexington, Kentucky, there is a yearly reenactment of the Thriller video in the downtown by dancers & locals in full-on zombie costumes. I saw it this year, and am tempted to go back again next.)

I won't mind if you don't like some (or all) of the stories. I have a thick skin. I'm as interested in why things don't work for particular readers as in why they _do_ work.

And by the way, I didn't know that bouganvillea represented family/heritage, etc. It was a happy accident.
