Monday, May 01, 2006

Awards news

I just realized that the texts and authors on our syllabus are well represented on a number of awards ballots this year. Here's a list, which I hope will impress you with a) the high regard these people currently enjoy in the contemporary fantasy field; and b) the profusion of awards given in this field.

This coming Saturday, May 6, the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America announce their 2006 Nebula Awards. Finalists include Susanna Clarke's Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell for Best Novel, Kelly Link's "Magic for Beginners" for Best Novella, Kelly Link's "The Faery Handbag" for Best Novelette and Margo Lanagan's "Singing My Sister Down" for Best Short Story. Also a Best Novel nominee: Terry Pratchett's Going Postal.

Finalists for the 2006 Hugo Awards, to be announced this summer at the World Science Fiction Convention, include Kelly Link's "Magic for Beginners" for Best Novella, Margo Lanagan's "Singing My Sister Down" for Best Short Story and Ellen Datlow, co-editor of The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, for Best Professional Editor.

Finalists for the 2006 Stoker Awards, to be announced this summer by the Horror Writers Association, including Kelly Link's "Some Zombie Contingency Plans" for Best Long Fiction and Kelly Link's Magic for Beginners for Best Fiction Collection. Also a nominee for Best Fiction Collection: China Mieville's Looking for Jake, which includes "Report of Certain Events in London."

Finalists for the 2006 Locus Awards, to be announced this summer at the Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame in Seattle, include Kelly Link's "Magic for Beginners" for Best Novella, Kelly Link's "Some Zombie Contingency Plans" for Best Short Story, Kelly Link's Magic for Beginners for Best Collection, The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror for Best Anthology and Ellen Datlow, co-editor of that volume, for Best Editor. Also nominated: China Mieville's Looking for Jake for Best Collection, Neil Gaiman's Anansi Boys for Best Fantasy Novel, Jeffrey Ford's "The Cosmology of the Wider World" for Best Novella, Jeffrey Ford's "Boatman's Holiday" for Best Short Story and Neil Gaiman's "Sunbird" for Best Short Story.

Meanwhile, the Los Angeles Times Book Prize nominees include Margo Lanagan's Black Juice, which includes "Singing My Sister Down," for Best Young Adult Fiction.

And though I forgot to mention it at the time, Kelly Link's "Magic for Beginners" already won the British Science Fiction Award for Best Short Fiction.

Congrats to all!


Blogger Andy Duncan said...

This just in: Last week, Jeffrey Ford won an Edgar Award from the Mystery Writers of America, for his novel The Girl in the Glass. Go, Jeff!

9:26 AM  

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