Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Tales from the City of Seams

When I started on this post, no one had commented on this story, and I just wanted to say a little something. (Liz beat me to it though!) I found the story enthralling. I'm not really sure why. Each subset of the whole incorporated different styles, different techniques, different subjects, different narrators, a wholly different approach. None seemed to carry any significance to the next, but still kept you reading. And where else would you find the "zero room" which connects all parts of the city except the bathroom stall?!? Of course! I just thought this was well written and wanted to share my sentiments with you all.

Also, does anyone know to what the City of Seams refers? I googled it but only returned with a reference to Jerusalem. Does this have any significance, or is there another epithet of which I am not aware?


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