Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Help for paper topic

I want to do my paper on the fantastical elements of drug-induced addiction using Wonderwall as a reference text. We discussed a lot of things that are hard to understand about addiction, such as, why not just stop using the drug. There were a lot of questions about the cough syrup. It would help me create a paper outline if everyone would post some of their questions about addiction in the story or otherwise. Thanks!


Blogger Andy Duncan said...

Barbara, this sounds like a fascinating topic. Could you tell us a bit more, even before your presentation, about what you have in mind for the paper? For example, could you elaborate on what you mean by "the fantastical elements of drug-induced addiction"? Hallucinogens, of course, immediately come to mind, but you seem not to be thinking about hallucinogens per se.

6:27 AM  

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